Jar Wars raises funds for BSM students serving in missions through Go Now Missions!

  • VIDEOS: We made an open call for students to submit funny Jar Wars videos from quarantine.

  • MATCH-UPS: There are 3 guys-versus-girls match-ups. Donate (by card/bank draft or venmo @utabsm, pin: 4329) to the guy(s) or girl(s) in each matchup who you want to see… SLIMED.

  • DONATIONS: In the comments/instructions, be sure to include the match-up and people you want to see slimed. (Ex - “Matchup 1 guys” if you want to see Tate & Stephen slimed.) FYI - In giving fuel, the comment box appears AFTER you enter your amount.

  • WINNERS: Donations will be counted through midnight May 4 and “winners” announced at Vertical on Facebook Live, Tuesday night, May 5 at 8pm. “Winners” will upload slime videos on May 6 and tag BSM.

  • GIRLS & GUYS TEAM: We will also announce an overall winning gender (for bragging rights). All donations given toward guys getting slimed will comprise the Girls Jar total; all donations given toward girls getting slimed will comprise the Guys Jar total. The winning team will also be announced May 5 at Vertical.

MATCH-UP 1: Tate & Steven Rapping VERSUS Cassie, Ruthann, Alyssa, Natalie, Caroline, Timbrel

MATCH-UP 2: Stu & Daniel VERSUS Amanda, Lindsey, Kira Lynn, Candace

MATCH-UP 3: Isaiah VERSUS Anna & Aubrey

Donate by card/bank draft or venmo before May 5 and specify who you want to see slimed! All proceeds support students serving through Go Now Missions!

SLIME VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS: “Winners” must make at least ½ gallon of slime using at least 5 household food items including: a beverage, two condiments, and a powdered substance (flour, etc). Announce the ingredients on video and then the entire contents must be poured upon one’s head in the  most dramatic fashion possible. Post online by end of day May 6 and tag @utabsm. Good luck!

EXCLUSIVE BONUS FEATURE: Check out Anna’s hilarious gag reel.

“Because I went on a Go Now Mission Trip…” Hear what students have to say!