The Art of Personal Evangelism
“You are the salt of the earth... You are the light of the world… Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. – Matthew 5:13-16
We GET to share the GOOD NEWS! It’s a privilege, not just an obligation.
God saves people; we don’t save people. We GET to share, but we HAVE to pray.”
“When you share the gospel, people come to Christ.” - Brian Zunigha. Listen to this powerful audio message here.
Many “CHRISTIANS” are not Christians. Help people discern where they stand.
Share the GOSPEL. Not religion, morality or experience.
“If we don’t PLAN to share the gospel, we will FAIL to share the gospel.” - Dr. Matt Queen
Always initiate conversations that are (1) friendly & respectful, (2) upfront, (3) permission-based.
You get to share the Gospel by being S.A.L.T.Y.
S – Start Conversations
There are LOTS of ways to start a spiritual conversation!
Casual Conversation: “Hey, I’ve never asked you before. Are you religious? What’s your spiritual background? Is that something you’re comfortable talking about?”
Contact Evangelism: “Hi, my name is ________ and this is _______. We’re part of a Bible study on campus. We’re going around and asking people to share their beliefs with us. Would you be interested in sharing your thoughts for a few minutes?”
Campus Outreach: “Hi, my name is ________ and this is _______. We’re inviting people to our Bible study. Have you ever thought about joining a Bible study? What’s your spiritual background?”
Gospel Appointments: Set up a time with someone you met on campus, at an event, or who filled out a contact card.
Use these ten habits to get to share your faith more often.
A – Ask Questions
Just like a good doctor must first diagnose an illness before he writes a prescription, a good evangelist must help a person determine their spiritual condition before they share the gospel.
Top Six Questions for Gospel Conversations
What is your spiritual background? What did that look like growing up? What does it look like now?
What do you think is the meaning of life or what is most important in life?
Do you believe in God and how do you think we should relate to God?
What do you think happens when we die? What do you think is on the other side?
What does it take to go to heaven? How sure are you, on a scale of 1-10 that you’ll go to heaven?
Suppose you were to stand before God today and he asked you, why should I let you into heaven? What would you think to say?
L – Listen to Answers
Be a good, curious, active listener.
Sincerely seek to understand their views.
Ask clarifying questions: “Tell me what you mean by that.” “Tell me more about _______.” “It sounds like what you’re saying is _____. Is that right?”
T – Tell them the Good News about Jesus
“Thank you so much for sharing. Can I show you an illustration that helped me understand how to have a relationship with God? It will only take a couple minutes.”
Or… Would you be interested in me sharing how the Bible answers these questions?
Share your 15-second testimony. “There was a time in my life when___( 1-2 facts)__, but now because of Jesus __(1-2 ways Jesus has helped you)____.”
Learn multiple ways to share the Good news – but be WELL prepared to share one presentation. 3 Circles is a simple, effective gospel presentation that works in many contexts. Use the video below to learn & practice. (Other effective presentations include gospel booklets, the bridge illustration, the Roman Road, etc.)
Y – Yes or No
Lost people don’t know how to be saved. See Acts 2:37-38. We must help them know how to respond to the gospel.
“Every person is either still in brokenness or has turned and followed Jesus. Which circle best represents your life? Which circle do you want to be in?” “What would stop you from turning to Jesus as your King and Savior today?
“How ready are you on a scale 1-10 to turn and follow Jesus? Do you want to pray today and tell Jesus that you want to turn from sin and follow him? I can help you!”
Use the two circles illustration to help people count the cost of truly following Jesus. “The Bible says there are two kinds of lives. One where the self is on the throne and Jesus is on the outside. The other where Jesus is on the throne, and we surrender to Jesus. Which circle best represents your life? Which do you want to represent your life?”
Discussion Questions
What parts of SALTY are most helpful to you?
Which parts of SALTY are you unsure about or feel awkward?
What approach to evangelism do you use the most and what approach do you want to try and/or use more?
What fears or obstacles keep you from sharing the gospel on campus?
What is one practical action you will take to get better at evangelism?