Rules for Gargon


Ancient lore tells of a mythical creature of monstrous proportions with the power to consume all in its path. During the Dark age, deep within the heart of medieval Nordic lands it preyed on helpless hamlets, devouring all in its path. They called this monster, GARGON THE MAN-EATER. Year after year, Gargon raged across the Nordic lands, and with every victim, he grew stronger, absorbing their life force as his own. Though many warriors and armies vowed to fight and slay the beast, none prevailed. However, hope remains! For the Mainard prophets foretold of three magical tokens hidden throughout the land. Those that, if brought together, would conjure a power so great that Gargon would be destroyed and the souls of his victims set free! It has now fallen to you to complete this quest.

How to Win:

PEASANTS win if the three flags are joined together and presented before Gargon

GARGON wins if all peasants are tagged



·       The main road is the boundary of the game field—NOT A SAFE ZONE; if a peasant steps onto the road, they are immediately a part of Gargon

·       Flags will be hidden in three different areas that are known only to Mainard

·       4-5 people are designated as Gargon and must tag peasants; every 10-20 seconds, they must announce themselves by saying, “Gargon”

·       Remaining players begin the game as peasants and must locate the three flags

·       Mainard representatives will be milling about the campground throughout the game; peasants may ask them clues to where the flags are hidden

·       Peasants are given a one minute head start to begin their search for the flags—after that time has passed, Gargon will be released

·       If tagged by Gargon, peasants must put on their green glowsticks and tag peasants

·       Peasants can only ask a Mainard one question at a time – and it must be in Old English. The time between clue asking is at the discretion of the Mainard (they can hop from Mainard to Mainard to maximize clues)

·       Peasants can pass the flag between one another—flags must always be in the hands of a peasant, their original hiding spot, or where the flag holder was tagged—NO FLAG STASHING

·       A majority of Gargon members must be present when someone is tagged for the tag to count—meaning a majority of Gargon members must be within a 10-15 foot radius of each other

·       If a peasant is tagged while holding one of the flags, they must drop it where they were tagged—Gargon CANNOT move the flag or tell peasants where the flag is

·       Dropped flags will remain where they are dropped until found by peasants; if discovered by a Mainard, Mainard may alter her clues to lead peasants to the new location

·       Gargon cannot puppy-guard the flag; Gargon must be constantly moving

We’re using the honor system—if you get tagged, don’t argue about it

Everyone be a good sport and kind to other players in keeping with how we want to mirror Christ